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One ChatGPT Prompt to Rule Them All

The persona-problem-solution framework

Hey friends đź‘‹,

You don't need "10 mindblowing prompts for ChatGPT". The best results come from being specific. I’ve had overwhelming success using the persona-problem-solution framework instead—let’s dive in.

Today’s Through the Noise is brought to you by Munch.

Munch generates short, media-optimal clips for social media from your podcasts, interviews and webinars.

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Munch also provides you with pre-written social posts based on video content using GPT, and will instantly generate accurate subtitles, currently supporting 8 languages.

One ChatGPT Prompt to Rule Them All

Put yourself in the shoes of a business operator. You have clients who want solutions to some tough leadership questions. How do you go about answering them fast AND deliver quality in return? Let’s ask ChatGPT.

1. Persona

Here you want to define the persona of the language model.

• Advisor to Ray Dalio

• Expert problem solver for leadership tasks

• Detailed prompt writer for large language models

Now ChatGPT has context for the nature of the problem it will solve.

2. Problem

This can be a single piece of information or a longer paragraph of text.

Here, we provide ChatGPT with a list of struggles your clients face.

It’s important we include these in quotations.

Quotations help the AI understands the context to respond more accurately.

3. Solution

Here we highlight a suggested solution structure.

This is absolutely critical to get the most out of the language model.

If we instead wrote “give me solutions to the problems” the AI has a tendency to go off on a tangent.

Important Considerations

Here’s ChatGPT’s response.

Notice how we define:

• Relevant online resources to consider

• Mental models and frameworks for the problem at hand

• A reference to Ray Dalio’s book “Principles” to draw additional insights

We even get the language model to provide a prompt for itself.

Following the persona-problem-solution framework helps reduce the cognitive load we place on ourselves.

Let me know what problem you are going to solve using this prompt by replying to this email.

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